Monday, January 4, 2010

January 5, 2010: Calcutta Mercy Ministries Feeding Program

This morning we woke early to take part in the Calcutta Mercy Ministries Feeding Program.  We started at Mercy Hospital where large vats of rice and lentils are prepared.  The food is then transported to outlying areas within a 45 minute radius of Calcutta.  The program feeds an estimated 23,000 people per day.


  1. I am so jealous. I wish I could be there with you. Aren't you wearing the same clothes I saw you in on Sunday? Hope the luggage arrives today (Tuesday). It looks like the blog pictures are working well - congratulations!
    I love you, Barb

  2. Amazing photos. It must be a bit chilly there too, as the attire seems to be layers and the little ones have hats on their heads. What a beautiful way to nourish our brothers and sisters in need, as you are also fed. I am sending this to my family. My brother and sister-in-law adopted our sweet little niece, Raina, at age 16 months, from Bangalore, India. She is now 12 and a thriving middle schooler. Thank you Bob and team for providing what you are through this life-giving ministry. May God bless you. We will continue to pray for you and those you are called to serve.
    Debbie Keller and family

  3. Awesome pictures. The kids are beautiful. Hope you stay warm 'cause it looks a little chilly.

  4. Hi Rob...I am just awestruck by your journey and passion to reach out and help others who are in such need. You inspire us all to realize the true values in life and how little our small worries can be. I knew you would capture this on all the pictures you take that would convey this message. We are all so proud of you and hope you stay well. Love you, Mike and Sue

  5. Hello from across the planet! Your beautiful, poignant pictures really tell the story, Rob! We're used to you being a huge blessing to us, but it's truly amazing to watch you being such a blessing to these people, whose needs are so often out-of-sight-out-of-mind from our daily lives. Congratulations on following through on your ideals in such a meaningful and wonderful way. Take good care of yourself too! We love you, Tom & Julie

  6. Great pix.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Little skimpy on narrative. Bob, it's unlike you to be short on words. Tell us more.

  7. Thank you for the recaps and the pictures! We miss you and are praying for a continued safe and fruitful journey.
